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Eight pounds to fate? Hunter Davis Inni proposes a huge battle

Coach Barry Hunter says he wants to fight between Gervonta Tank “Davis” and Naoya ‘Monster’ inoue in case “in the middle”. Hunter states that the tank (30-0, 28 KOS) will move in weight down to face INOUE (29-0, 26 KOS), which will have to leave 122, and perhaps to 130 to make it possible.

Only eight pounds will need inoue to move up to a huge beating with Tank Davis to be a reality. Is he? The Japanese star Noya was hesitant to move to 126 to Facing sharks In this division.

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Tank Davis will be sacrificed a lot by dropping five or more pounds to fight at one weight of 130 or 128 more than INOUE in moving from six to eight pounds. It is much easier for fighters to go in weight from below.

If INOUE is hesitating to climb to only four lbbenights to the weight of the feather, will he have the courage to height of eight pounds to 130? It requires a courage for the fighter to get out of their comfort zone. INOUE owns very easy during his career, as he was feeding on the weak opposition in 122, 118, 115 and 108.

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Naoya arid resumption of these weightproof fighters, however millions of victories against fighters in those divisions that carry talents. He did not fight the real talent in 115, Jesse “Bam” Rodriguez, and he does not seem to do so.

“As a boxing lover, I would like to see Enoy.” “Yes, or we meet somewhere in the middle. Hunter said about the reason” Naoya “” The Monster “for some reason.”

“I am a fan, but however, it is (inoue) explosive, he is skilled, and I think this is a person who challenges what we do. You realize that the tank is not easily 140 or 135 founders. He is a young man. He is explosive like hell, and makes him look bigger than it is.

“However, he can make this weight. Hunter said when asked about whoever wants to fight him in 135 years, based on skills, I am great too. I don’t care. Whatever, whatever, we are confident in it.”

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Last update on 02/27/2025

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